Concept for the exhibition in Stuttgart
In preparation for the exhibition, I need to focus on this press release from the gallery (see below) and connect the theme of resonance...
Concept for the exhibition in Stuttgart
Identifying needs, experience and upskilling. Skills and Networks
Mapping Your Communities (of Care)
Case Study, Lara Eggleton and Sarah Smizz in conversation. Watch, Notice and Record
Research Task. Ifeoma U Anyaeji, Franz West, Tacida Dean
Reflection. Keep learning from it
Keep doing it. Making it Slow / Re-Making / Iteration
Keep doing it. Aggression, violence, vandalism
Skills, Technique, Strategies, Problem solving and Resolving
Making-It Fast Zine, Photo-montage
In creative conversation with your peers
Evaluating your making, methodologies, research and relevant professional practice. Temporary Permanence
Reflecting on my practice