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5 Materials (3) Intercourse

Updated: Jan 15, 2021

And the last work on the study of material and colour in the context of painting and sculpture.

But this work, it seems to me the most successful of all presented in this discussion.

These two pieces just found each other in the course of my work.

Only I have one technical problem - I need to protect the tree in some way. But since this will be a long process of processing the material, I will not do this now but later.

Also, I still have doubts about the method of exposure - should this object lie on a plane or should it be fixed on the wall. On the wall, the approach to work is limited. Also, from this point of view, the wood is carrying a plaster object, but it was not the intention. When this object is lying, then it requests the space around it, the space of the room. This attention gives it more value and meaning and balances the two materials together.

Natural Wood, with its structure, texture, form and colour. Warm, natural, still alive in its own way, created by nature. Plaster mould, not so natural, cold, smooth, even, created by man.

They were connected by a shape - like a thread passed into the eye of a needle, the tree passed through a plaster mould hole. It's like intercourse. Pure and natural.

Wood carries the beginning of the creative act of creating wooden figurines. Perfect white almost blends in with the background of the wall or podium. So I see this white as a form coming out of a white sheet or canvas. This is the plane that I am trying to discuss, but here it acquired volume. The plane engages the tree, transforms it and gives it a different meaning.

Reworked piece (from 10.12.2020)

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