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6 Sculpting as a drawing

Updated: Dec 12, 2020

I discovered a new process for myself - sculpture painting. Of course, nothing new in general - after my inspiration passed, I found many artists on the Internet creating works based on hot glue.

I've tested a lot of what can I do with hot glue. And the natural result came to me - a line. Thin, thick, sharp or flowing - everything could be painted in three-dimensional space.

As I wrote earlier, the only thing I accidentally got was how to make this line completely volumetric, and not flat on one side.

And then everything continues to develop naturally.

I coloured the resulting elements and transferred them to paper. I fixed them to a sheet of paper and made a drawing from them. It turned out amazing. The result is complete confusion.

It is impossible to understand without a long study what is the origin of what, which shadow falls from what and what is what? I love it.

Because at the same time, due to the use of limited colour, the work can be harmonized.

Answering the question of the boundaries of painting and sculpture, I would say - the boundaries are only in my head. Or, the boundaries between painting and sculpture appear depending on the viewing angle.

If I find myself far from the object, then it may be an illusion, I do not know what it is, what material, it is graphics on a computer or a drawing, and so on. When I change my angle of view, come closer, study information, learn the context, then there may be a completely different object in front of me.

Finished piece (photos from 11.12.2020)

I fixed the lines with nails and coloured the surface.

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