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8 Projection

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

The Winged Victory, plaster, acrylic, video projection, blacklight lamp, 120H x 100W x 14D cm.

The shape of the cast in the fabric reminded me of a woman's body. It was a part of 'The Winged Victory of Samothrace'. The motion of move forward was embedded in this piece of plaster.

Since I needed to analyze the virtual and the physical, I combined video projection and sculpture. But only a shape similar to the statue of Victory from the Louvre seemed to me not a sufficient, and simple solution in such a combination. Something was missing.

Since there was already a glitch in the sculpture, I had to pull out the plasticine and continue my approach - to paint it with ultraviolet paint. This is a trigger point, power button.

I sewed two spaces together. The wing structure is shown with a green ultraviolet coloured thread. The lines continue as the material falls from the body of the statue.

She flies and stands. She is physical and virtual.

I thought an interesting combination would be a simple glowing spot (projection on a wall) and physical heavy concrete steps against that wall. This example delineates the distinction between the virtual and physical worlds. The glowing spot is an illusion, but there is a 0.000001% chance that it might not be. And rough, weight concrete is a reality in our space.

Termites glitch

plaster, acrylic, video projection, blacklight lamp 37H x 38L x 13.5W cm.

And as a continuation of the video projections, I decided to combine this sculpture with the video of the termites. These cavities in the plaster reminded me of an eaten tree.

I found a video with termites in open channels and combined separate parts and got such a repetition matrix.

The video is interrupted and repeated, which brings dissonance to the naturalness of the story.

I wonder how many more of these video combination with sculpture can be made? Fish with corals where corals will be holes in the sculpture, or bees working with honeycombs...

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