After first strongly emotional solution I had a feeling that less powerful emotions would be much more difficult to represent without preparation work and I was right. Next morning when I was especially calm I prepared A1 sheet and gradually opened all four panels. The result was unsatisfactory. It was a formless, unemotional images except one.
My decision was to experiment and research with all kind of materials I had. At the beginning I focused on the calmness but since I enjoyed it so much I didn’t notes how I turned to my third feeling ‘joy’. The longer I worked the more and faster right resolutions appeared.
Image with horizontal lines came to my mind first on the contrast to the Anger. I was so calm that morning that drawing straight lines was almost a fate.
Later after I showed this drawing to my friend and she called it annoying! – Probably this why there are so many painters in the world that there are enough different solutions for a same idea. Or people just have different understanding of feelings.
Second image I took from my first unsuccessful sheet. It is something like a cloud but with more define borders. Soft and calm, airy and light.
On the photo it looks like a blue sky when you lying on the field – fresh, immense and calm. In reality I thought there can be nothing more tranquil than an empty sheet. It is already complete and full of meanings. In a second there was a fly sitting on the sheet, then my dog passed by and there were a lot of hairs despite to this entire sheet kept white and calm.
Last image create an illusion of the starry sky, universe. Compare to this big idea the rest is seems very small and inessential. Charcoal’s elements are draws attention as they are uneven but to keep this material on the sheet would require additional work.