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Assignment 4 Reflection on the Tutor’s Report

This assignment shows your dedication to understanding difficult philosophical concepts, as they apply to an artwork. (OCA Tutor)

Areas for further development:

- My blog seems to be very sparse in terms of evidencing my learning journey. So it is expected from me more ideas and reflections on exercises and readings. After the fourth Assignment, I’m asked to show the evidence of my learning process. It is a pity to get this tip only now as I’m not sure that I can do much during the last part of the course. At this point, I can see that I will lose “points” of the final assessment for not reflecting on and evidencing my learning journey. During the whole course, my logic was – step by step, task by task I’m reading books which are offered by course or by exercise and then I apply this reading in the particular exercise and not separately in the reflection blog.

- OCA request to follow “proper essay style”. In the end, University teaches you to be free in your mind, but on the other side lead you to be open as much as rules are allowed. In assignment three I was so enthusiastic to write about Plato so I made dipper research. In the end, it was more words than allowed. Even though I always stick to the exercise rules, this time I felt to write more. But it was not appreciated. And this time, in Assignment 4, my idea was to write “for people” not for professors. I was thinking why I would not copy this text to my Instagram page? But people would not read “proper essay style” today. It is difficult to read and it is a different language. For whom we are writing here? For getting good marks at the University or we are trying to learn how to make a point for us and other people? In other words, when I create a “playful” passage I want reader in the most realistic way to imagine him on my place. But OCA Tutor asked me to follow academic essay writing guide.

- Question of spelling mistakes – I’m really sorry for that. I agree with Tutor’s feedback and I need to be more accurate… Just sometimes all five languages which are in my usage, mixing and it is not clear anymore which rule is right. And, unfortunately, all automatic verification in Word and Grammarly as we can see not insure from the mistake. But again, thank you very much God! that we are living in the open World and proper education available not only for people who were lucky to born in the UK or Germany.

- There was a suggestion from my Tutor to use Word for submitting the Assignment. With my previous Tutor, there was never such a request as a “copy-paste” function kept our e-mail boxes clean from of unnecessary storage usage. Much more simple for me to use Word document (for check spelling and so on) and later present all work nice and tidy on the blog (which is a request from OCA) because, to transfer all pictures, videos and so on, in the Word document and into the blog create a double work. Tutor can just press “ctrl A”, “ctrl C” open a new Word document and press “ctrl V”. It would save for a student about one hour work.

- I’m suggested to explain in details Derrida theories as it was not evident in my current Assignment that I understand it.

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