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Assignment five. Reflection on my progress

This part of the course was a kind of reboot for me. I spent a lot of time researching my parallel project and thinking about my further work. I came to some big conclusions, and the main one is that if I only use colour, this kind of work cannot simply rely on my emotions. Experiencing colour and direct representation of it - an empty idea. After researching synaesthetes, I realized that this phenomenon hinders rather than helps. Absorbed in colour, I try to distract myself from it again and again, but after a while, I slide back to the search for colour combinations. I decided, if I am not that healthy, then let the colour remain, but I will give it different materials. So through the material, I will try to heal and get away from one focus. Rather, I am interested in the nature of painting and pictorial materials, the very essence of the creation of art.

In general, the titles of works have always played an important role for me. Now I have looked at this part even more broadly, including music as the title. Writing an artist statement was difficult and easy at the same time. Since by that time, I had already formed the main ideas of my work. At the same time, I realized that in a couple of weeks, I probably need to rewrite it.

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