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Assignment two. Developing construction Self-assessment

This time for me was extremely productive and not only with artworks but with good conclusions.

I focused on the process of developing ideas and presenting them clear and logical. A detailed description of works and materials helped me to unpack my interests. After the accomplishment of the works, I match the result with the intentions. From my point of view, the final pieces have much more to say than I planned.

The connection point of the drawings/paintings and three-dimensional forms I found in the mind of the viewer. In the end, all impressions arrive in our brain and form the image.

During work on this part, I found amazing artists such as Jacques Schnier, Richard Wentworth, Alex Frost, Henrique Oliveira and Yasuaki Onishi. Each of them telling us own story. In my case, it is becoming the same… I’m trying to think about the digital world but all the time I’m coming back to Moscow, churches (and I’m not religious at all), traditions, Russian literature… I’m searching for the unique identification of this culture in me and in the field of art. Probably I can say that medium is changing with generations, time and medium for me can have the digital appearance, but behind medium is a dipper thing. It is self-identification in all forms. What does it mean to be Russian? What does it mean to be a foreigner? What does it mean to be an artist? What does it mean to be on Instagram? What does it mean to be online?

So this month of work brought great outcomes. Creativity in a limited space strives to the top and the whole concept of the work becoming clearer.

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