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Constructed Reality

One cannot say the world is socially constructed and say there are misrepresentations.

To an ordinary person (without a philosophical education) they say that "your world is socially built." This person begins to search for literature on this subject…

Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann “The Social Construction of Reality” 1966, Searle John “The Construction of Reality” 1995, Alfred Schütz, Plato at the end. Trying to understand these concepts, logic still interferes with understanding the whole depth of the problem. Why did someone constricted something? After all, I am. Even after losing consciousness or deep sleep, I always return to the same reality. Yes, one cannot disagree with Baudrillard that the subject began to prevail over the subject. In other words, in ancient society, man was content with a minimum - to eat, drink, hide from the rain. But now, the so-called necessity of things has become almost absurd. The need for a new TV, purse or car drives us and our established society. But we formed it ourselves based on our primitive needs. Yuval Noah Harari monitors this well in terms of the history of human development and the formation of his needs. Thus we have formed, the society in which we now live.

Now we can think of such works as, for example, Haruki Murakami's “Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World”, films The Truman Show directed by Peter Weir, The Matrix by Wackowski, David Lynch Mulholland Drive, Interstellar by Christopher Nolan and many others.

What is it about?

About the simulacrum of reality? If you think from the point of view of Baudrillard, then an object, for example, a car, at first was with three wheels (see the picture) and year after year someone developed and copied the idea, the model of this moving device. And what do we have today? Such a change in the reality surrounding us formed objects more and more attractive to us. This led us to a reality that began in the human pursuit of the new and the unknown.

But here you can ask another question. If our needs and aspirations formed such a social reality, then perhaps another reality exists? Perhaps there is another world? Can we find it, see it, recognize it?

Therefore, reflecting on the question, is it possible to say that the socially constructed world is distorted, I answer yes and no.

Yes, because we exist in the reality we built, just like a child lives with his parents in the house they built. He perceives it a priori. The house and social space are given, and we have known the world through this given. Therefore, when something distorts this reality, for example, the Bermuda Triangle, black holes in space or death itself is all a deviation from a known given and this is yet incomprehensible. From this perspective, there is a distortion of social reality.

No, because the distortion of reality itself comes from some given, starting point. And if the distortion itself is an integral part of the socially constructed world, then we cannot say that these concepts change each other. In this case, the denial of the denied takes up, that is, there is no discussion.

Bibliography and references

2. Jaguar XJ [online] At: (Accessed on 10.10.19)


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