In fact, I can physically feel that it is sunny day today and it is warm. It is a reality which we can identify. I have a dog, he belongs to me my dog runs after me and asking to play, he believes that I’m a part of his pack and this fact is quite objective. I call it a reality.

There are things in this world which people created for make their life easier or some abilities probably come out of evolution. Language helps to communicate and get things faster, but in the same way, I can understand my dog sometimes much better than my husband. Then the question is why we need to have sounds which connect to the meaning? Because we are a bit more complicated?! In this sophisticated commune after mentality of “the strongest is the rightist” people need to have rules of the game.
At this point, society starts constructing social reality. “The child is brought up in a culture where he or she simply takes social reality for granted”. (John R.Searle (1995) The construction of social reality. New York: Simon and Shuster) So this process I would called the construction of social reality.

Firstly, social reality is a quotient and the reality is a general. For illustrating this I can use an example of a relationship with my dog. I play with him and provide food and he accompanying me the whole day long. As long as he is not disturbing anyone around us we are in a common reality but as soon as Chinese coming across it is a social reality where black German shepherd recognized as a big danger, beast and food. Historically in this part of the world people were eating dogs meet and by nature, the height of the Asian type of people is lower than average, it mean that big dog is really big! This example illustrates the pure reality and social reality which were “constructed by” tradition.
Secondly, the social construction of reality is a way how social reality is constructed. Reality is something stable, basic and objective like mountains. Construction of reality would be analysis about these objective mountains or that my dog out of instinct stays with me. Thus social construction is a subject helping or depending on reality in social relationship.