To understand the difference, you must enter the second element. So something appears that is not like the original, which is different from the original. For example, Plato separated the original from its copy. We needed to separate the “shadows” from the true objects, so we would come to the truth. In other words, if the shadow is secondary, then it is opposed to the original and is perceived as false, which cannot put us on the true path.
Deleuze, developed this idea further, proving that we live in a world of simulacra, translating into the words of Plato, we live in a world of imperfect incarnations of the original thought or object. So then ... we will never understand the truth, not find the exit from the cave? No, says Deleuze. We must abandon binary thinking and stop opposing a being to a non-being, an order to a disorder, we need to get away from the problem of evil. There is no good and bad, but only good. It's like an ordinary bottle, where there is a top - the neck and bottom which for white and black, for two opposite. But need to see this subject from the “Klein bottle” point of view, where there is an endlessly repeating, but all is one, where the entrance is the exit and vice versa.
“...difference is primary: it affirms difference and distance. Difference is light, aerial and affirmative. To affirm is not to bear but, on the contrary, to discharge and to lighten. It is no longer the negative which produces a phantom of affirmation like an arzatz, but rather a No which results from affirmation.” (Deleuze, 1994:54)
We need to stop repeating things in a small circle (Nietzsche), things ordinary and not containing anything new. Like, for example, a law whose rules are spelt out and we repeat them every day. If the repetition is of a new order, then it will be in a big circle. (Deleuze, 1994:6) It gets there because the original idea was important and meaningful. Therefore, it came back, if the original idea was weightless, then it would not have been able to generate anything new and would have remained in a small circle.
“There is first of all the pure impulse or elan of creativity itself, the affirmation of being conceived as a sort of primordial energy or constituent power, the inexhaustible source of pure potential or transformation. Considered on its own, isolated from what it constitutes, this constituent power can only be imagined as an unthinkable abstraction or paradox, as a whole that can never be presented or given.… Water is God expressing himself as water, a virtual watering” (Hallward,2006:37,39) In other words, the creative process is a given that is embodied through the work of the creator (artist) and is a paradox.
All things considered, creating a repetition of the new order is only possible, according to Deleuze, through the creative process. Such a repetition will not be a confrontation for comparison with the original, not a negative.“The merely relative differences that may exist or arise between created things stem from a deeper, more fundamental power of creative differing. 'Differentiation is never a negation but a creation difference is never negative but essentially positive and creative'” (Hallward,2006:1) A positive new that repeats the original is obtained according to Deleuze through the chaos of the creative process.
Bibliography and references
1. Hallward P., (2006) OUT OF THIS WORLD: Deleuze and the Philosophy of Creation. Verso
2. Deleuze Gilles (1994) Difference and Repetition, Columbia University Press
3. Deleuze Gilles (1998) Различие и повторение [in Russian] (Difference and Repetition) Translated by N.B. Mankovskaya
4. Nietzsche, F., (2006) On the Genealogy of Morality, Cambridge University Press
5. Introduction to modern philosophy: Deleuze (Alexander Smulyansky); Введение в современную философию: Делёз (Александр Смулянский) At: (Accessed 29.01.2020)
6. Great philosophers. Gilles Deleuze; Великие философы. Жиль Делёз At: (Accessed 29.01.2020)
7. Wikipedia, A two-dimensional representation of the Klein bottle immersed in three-dimensional space At: (Accessed 29.01.2020)