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Cut-up technique

I have already worked with text as a medium. It is not my crown. For me, words are secondary, first is the matter. Therefore, it was extremely difficult to motivate me to work on this exercise.

For the experiment, I randomly chosen fragments of newspapers and magazines and, using special glue, transferred the images to the canvas.

I understand that the technique that David Bowie used is a search for the new. For Lenka Clayton, it is cleansing and denudation to the point.

Writer Ken Hollings examines how an artistic device called the 'cut-up' has been employed by artists and satirists to create new meanings from pre-existing recorded words. (Accessed 10.09.2021)

How David Bowie used 'cut ups' to create lyrics - BBC News

What are words for me? Probably this is what was in the newspaper if I work with this material. But the past disappears. Is erased from memory. There remain only small passages that can be given new meaning.

Rhetorically, this work combined the text about pork and sweaters. Indeed, what else a person needs is to eat and not freeze (the need for safety).

But the picture was very flat for me. ))) I can’t help myself, as soon as I see a boring canvas, I need to do something from it.

Two girls looked at me from torn magazines. I decided to see what happens next. Two portraits were not enough, and the third image of the woman is already "three graces".

Since the text was turned from right to left, a solution with a mirror came up logically. As if the girls look in the mirror, but the viewer must also see the work through reflection. Here is the perception of all media through a screen/glass and a curious criticism of consumption. It seems that this is a successful test, I could try to make the work larger.

Another test was between material and digital formats. I made a template in which I tested different ways of forming relief. The colour is only white with a slight shade of blue and pink so that the colour is not so blank. I made the usual print screens from the electronic newspaper Guardian and transferred with the help of a projector to the surface of the canvas. It is a fairly straightforward decision, and there is no random selection of words or stripping the news to the point, but I saw something different.

I thought it was getting interesting that the newspaper is hidden under the paint and provides a basis for new news.

It is a newspaper on a newspaper, new on the old, past on the past. Here one could think further about how could I developed this work. Here, too, there is a contradiction of the image to the form. The material is uneven, crumpled as if already used. The images of the digital newspaper are even and neat. It seems to me, that the essence of the news is successfully conveyed here - whatever happens, this is already the past. Perhaps a straightforward image of an electronic newspaper would be enough. For example, when displaying in a gallery, one can always display the latest news. Here I need to think further...

Thus, I redid the canvas for the projector. I also can show movies in this way... But then the connection between the material used and the news is lost.

For example, Sarah Impey embroiders words with the free-motion machine stitching. Makes them into geometric patterns on quilts.

Sara Impey. Absorption 55 x 95 cm. Cotton, wholecloth, free-motion machine stitched text. Photo: Kevin Mead At: (Accessed 13.09.2021)

The artist experiences every word through the sewing process. Expresses meaning through embroidery. How it differs from my translation and living of the everyday hustle and bustle written in the newspapers? It is my synaesthetic experience, of a week or a moment.

Just another idea of work has just been born - "words are colours"

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