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Draft Plan till the 10.06.2024

Updated: Jul 29, 2024


1 Build (find in the literature, authors) counter opinions on each of my arguments.

2 Clearly build a structure with the main thesis of my research.

3 Clarify and discuss the conclusions of my research done through physical work.

     - How the theory of affect, propaganda and synaesthesia manifests itself in my work. How are they different? How will the viewer understand this?

     - How can I invite people from the crowd voting for Putin to the gallery for my exhibition (This is not a direct question, but a figurative)? Outdoor installations?

    - How to indicate a change from a post-digital to a post-conflict state?

   - Truth and Falsehood, or what is truth?

  - Where is the line between manipulation on the Internet and physical truth in the real world?


4 To prepare the first draft of my synesthetic experiences and its connection with my work for a research book on Synaesthesia by Anton V. Sidoroff-Dorso ( ). This experience will help me explore my synesthetic perceptions further and find a connection with my art practice. More:


Physical work - test:

1 Outdoor work - temporary installation on the wall. Testing the anti-sculpture and vitality of matter.

2 Working with metallics - testing a counter method of working - painting cars on wooden sticks.

3 Sculpture, how it relates to my wall works and large installations.

4 Test on small works - expressionism is a quick method of work.


Exhibitions, projects, grants:

1 Prepare and set up the group exhibition at Peter Gross Bau 

2 Prepare and set up the group exhibition at Papier Global 6 Handwerksmuseum Stadtmuseum Deggendorf

3 Prepare and submit an exhibition project on my research topic by the end of March for the Kunstpreis Andrea Neumann and VAO UK.


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