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Final self-assessment

Updated: Jan 8, 2020

I want to say thanks to the one who came up with such a training system, and thanks to fate, I live during such technological opportunities. After passing the first course, I can say that I learned how to study. The institute provided guidelines and a mentor. I mentioned earlier, it was extremely valuable for me to take two courses at the same time. Drawing and understanding of visual culture (UVC). The theoretical foundation has incredibly helped to look at things wider. The student should train not only his hands, not only his skill in transmitting light and shadow but also he needs to increase his context knowledge. But on the last assignments, it became difficult to separate the two courses. It was strange for me to separately apply ideas in the drawing course but not to use it on the UVC course. But the Tutors of both courses carefully monitored this and I decided to suspend the UVC and focus on the Drawing course.

My goal was to develop exceptional visual and technical skills. This is a long way to go, but performing every artwork I think how it would look on the wall of the gallery? Before this course, I also had little idea of how and what to write about my work. But now, even if I’m not writing for a blog, I’m writing for myself about what I’ve seen or experienced. Today I agree with saying - only the written is complete.

While studying I revaluated the abstraction and realism. I trained to combine analogue and digital. And finally, I learned to critically look on myself and on others works.

The very first task in this course made me think about what a drawing is and why we create it. The lines of prayer flags on the mountain in the Tibet Autonomous Region, as a result, had a strong influence on all my subsequent work. The symbolic interweaving of religion and its expression in coloured ribbons in the sky has become for me a peculiar element of freedom from the classical canons of drawing on paper. But in order to create my last installation with the Russian Church and portraits I had to go through the whole course.

I started experimenting with lines, sign, color, spots and it was exciting. But even after canon-free work my first drawing for Assignment 1 was very academic and verified. I did not understand what I can do at this institute and what I cannot.

In the second part of the course, I struggled with research rules. I tried to identify the analysis system and find the general. But after researching a huge number of not interesting artists, I began to think about what I like and what I want to focus on. Part 2 was for me a kind of breakdown of everything. Therefore, I decided to perform the final work in all possible techniques, but so that they were all one. The bookshelf with books has become for me an allegory of the unity of differences. But at this point, my interest in the digital world was born.

The third part of this course was a turning point for me. I started working and experimenting with projections. Here questions arose - how to present the work, what levels in art work exist (visual, tactile, audio, emotional), how to present and describe it.

Parallel to the assignments from the course, I worked on my own search. And it seems to me here I could not bring the concept to something worthwhile. Carried away by Kandinsky’s ideas and his work “the point and line” my idea with algorithms built from screws and threads did not find the proper response from the public.

Although the work of "Carcass" and "Church" in my opinion were very successful. After moving from Shanghai to Frankfurt, I was impressed by the nature and culture of this country, so the final work was a simple reaction to my move. But in this work, I began to think in the expanse. The drawing turned out to be limited by a piece of paper, so I ventured to bring it into a space.

In conclusion, parts 4 and 5 (personal project) became for me one big project. I focused on portraits and on the ideas of Man in digital space. For me personally, I regard this as a breakthrough. I realized that I was interested in combining abstraction and figurative art. It is interesting for me to create images in non-standard complex ways. The viewer is also important in the work as the object of art itself, so he must directly participate in the creation of the work.

Summing up, I sincerely hope that my final works demonstrate exceptional visual and technical skills, that all works are presented at a high professional level, that my creative abilities can be highly appreciated, the understanding of the context is clearly presented and expressed, and my personal voice is formed independent and brave.

And if not, then any criticisms will serve as a great potential for my further development.

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