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Formulating the Research Question

So, after two parts of the course, I still could not determine the most important question for me. My problem is a lack of concentration and dispersion - interest in everything and in everything. And GPT Chat came to my rescue. I uploaded all my thoughts, notes, sketches of ideas and reasoning about my “most important things” into it and asked it to formulate possible questions for investigation.

One of the options was:

"How does contemporary art, blending unconventional materials and diverse perspectives, engage viewers to think critically and challenge societal norms?"

It turns out that the Chat revealed my interest in working with non-traditional materials, communication with viewers and criticism of established norms.

A research framework for this question would be: 

1. Introduction:

          Briefly introduce the transformative nature of contemporary art.

          Highlight the significance of unconventional materials and diverse perspectives in art.

2. Literature Review:

          Explore existing theories on the impact of aesthetics and critical thinking in art.

          Review the concept of blending materials and narratives in contemporary art.

3. Methodology:

          Outline your approach to studying the engagement of viewers in contemporary art.

          Define the criteria for analysing the use of materials, emotional connections, and critical thinking.

4. Case Studies:

          Investigate specific artworks, especially "for my mom" and others, to exemplify your research themes.

          Analyse how these works communicate personal narratives with global implications.

5. Impact and Implications:

          Discuss the potential societal impact of art fostering critical thinking.

          Explore how your research might contribute to changing perspectives on societal norms.

6. Conclusion:

          Summarize key findings.

          Emphasize the role of contemporary art in encouraging critical reflection and challenging norms.


I liked the fact that in the research I would have to pay attention to aesthetics.

After that, I uploaded my Artist Statement and a description of a video of my work about the war (where I painted my body black) into the Chat. 

The new proposal was: 

"How can the exploration of unconventional materials and synesthetic expressions in contemporary art challenge established norms, fostering critical thinking and aesthetic engagement amidst societal conflicts?"


"In what ways does the intersection of personal trauma, synesthetic experiences, and unconventional materiality in art contribute to a re-evaluation of societal values, aesthetics, and critical thinking, especially in the context of contemporary conflicts?"

A research framework for this question would be: 

1.        Introduction:

          Introduce the overarching theme of personal trauma and its synesthetic expression through unconventional materials.

          Highlight the contemporary context of conflict and its relevance to shaping societal norms and aesthetics.

2.        Literature Review:

          Explore existing literature on synaesthesia in art and its potential impact on emotional expression.

          Review studies on unconventional materials in art and their ability to convey personal narratives.

3.        Methodology:

          Detail your artistic process and methods for expressing personal trauma through synesthetic experiences.

          Explain the selection and significance of unconventional materials in your practice.

4.        Case Studies:

          Present specific artworks as case studies, dissecting how each piece reflects personal trauma, synesthetic expression, and its impact on societal norms and aesthetics.

          Discuss the role of contemporary conflict in influencing these artistic expressions.

5.        Analysis:

          Analyse the societal norms challenged or reinforced by your artworks.

          Explore the aesthetic shifts and innovations your work introduces in response to the contemporary conflict.

6.        Discussion:

          Discuss the broader implications of your findings on the intersection of personal trauma, art, and societal norms.

          Address the potential transformative power of art in influencing perceptions amid conflict.

7.        Conclusion:

          Summarize key findings and their significance.

          Propose avenues for future research and the continued exploration of art's role in reshaping societal norms and aesthetics during contemporary conflicts.


I realized that this was all moving in the right direction, but I wanted to combine these two questions since both research structures have elements that interest me.


"In what ways does the intersection of personal trauma, synesthetic experiences, and unconventional materiality in art contribute to a re-evaluation of societal values, aesthetics, and critical thinking, especially in the context of contemporary conflicts?"


A research framework for this question would be: 

1.        Introduction:

          Introduce the overarching theme of personal trauma and its synesthetic expression through unconventional materials.

          Highlight the contemporary context of conflict and its relevance to shaping societal norms and aesthetics.

2.        Literature Review:

          Explore existing literature on synaesthesia in art and its potential impact on emotional expression.

          Review studies on unconventional materials in art and their ability to convey personal narratives.

          Analyse existing theories on the impact of aesthetics and critical thinking in art.

3.        Methodology:

          Describe your artistic practice, emphasizing the use of unconventional materials and synesthetic expressions. (Detail your artistic process and methods for expressing personal trauma through synesthetic experiences. Explain the selection and significance of unconventional materials in your practice.)

          Outline your approach to studying the engagement of viewers in contemporary art. (Detail the process of engaging viewers in critical thinking within your artworks. Discuss any collaborative or interactive elements in your practice.)

          Define the criteria for analysing the use of materials, emotional connections, and critical thinking. (Outline your approach to studying the engagement of viewers in contemporary art.)

4.        Case Studies:

          Present specific artworks as case studies, dissecting how each piece reflects personal trauma, synesthetic expression, and its impact on societal norms and aesthetics. (Investigate specific artworks, especially "for my mom" and others, to exemplify your research themes. Analyse how these works communicate personal narratives with global implications. Highlight instances where personal trauma is expressed synesthetically and how it challenges societal norms. Discuss viewer responses and interactions.)

          Discuss the role of contemporary conflict in influencing these artistic expressions.

5.        Analysis:

          Analyse the societal norms challenged or reinforced by your artworks. (Explore how the engagement with personal trauma and unconventional materials contributes to reshaping societal norms and aesthetics.)

          Explore the aesthetic shifts and innovations your work introduces in response to the contemporary conflict. (Explore how your research might contribute to changing perspectives on societal norms.)

          Discuss any unexpected or nuanced outcomes.

6.        Impact and Implications:

          Discuss the broader implications of your findings on the intersection of personal trauma, art, and societal norms. (Discuss the potential societal impact of art fostering critical thinking.)

          Address the potential transformative power of art in influencing perceptions amid conflict. (Explore how your research might contribute to changing perspectives on societal norms.)

 7.       Conclusion:

          Summarize key findings and their significance.

          Propose avenues for future research and the continued exploration of art's role in reshaping societal norms and aesthetics during contemporary conflicts. (Emphasize the role of contemporary art in encouraging critical reflection and challenging norms.)

And I simplified the name of my research:

"How does art challenge societal norms by transforming personal trauma into powerful expressions?"


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