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Framing the Critical Review. «We Need More Contemporary Art!»

These are the first ideas and the direction of my search… The title of this essay is in question and has already changed ten times. It is also likely that I will reduce the number of questions which I’m going to work on.

I was born in Moscow. After February 2022, as a Russian, I am endowed with the stigma of an aggressor. It will take decades for history to put everything in its place and forgive my nation.

In the first weeks of the war, I lost the meaning of creating art. How can you create something that is not the first necessity when my country is killing people in Ukraine?! It was the first shock. The second shock, perhaps stronger, was the realization that about 70% of the population supports this outrage, including my Russian family.

When the sedatives worked, I began to read and study the problem. There is hardly a time in the history of mankind when there was no war. It turns out that, humanly, some kill, while others indulge. Because, during the extreme situation, as I understand from my own experience, people stop hearing and listening to each other. So I wondered if speech has become meaningless, then how can art speak? Can the creation of art be a normal reaction to military action? Can art help stop killing? Can art help heal trauma? Why is a new artistic reaction needed? What haven't Guernica or Holocaust-Manmal taught us? Can a work of art develop consciousness or lead to catharsis, how to achieve this?

I will consider such aspects influencing the formation of stereotypes in art as the current political regime, economic development and democracy. I will try to compare art and religion in terms of therapy or belief.

Using the examples of historical and contemporary artists, I will try to figure out how they criticize the political regime, speak out or form the opinion of the population.


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