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Guardian News

Updated: Sep 23, 2021

Inspired by the Cut-up technique and in particular by the work of Lenka Clayton - “Qaeda, quality, question, quickly, quickly, quiet”, I decided to do the same only with the electronic newspaper. For comparison, it would be interesting to look at both a Russian newspaper and a German one ... but to begin with, I only used the Guardian (

Going to the main page of the newspaper, I copied all the headlines and topics. Arranged them alphabetically and discarded everything except the first word. I removed duplicate words because I wanted to focus on the essence of the messages. I was guided by the fact, that when reading, we first glance at the headings, and only then choose what to read. One way or another, what we read quickly remains in our memory and can create a general feeling of what we have read. Thus, I have only 248 words left, which I put together.

This work can be exhibit as a printed text in the frame.

«© 2021 Guardian News 10 tantalising 3’s a crowd A Black Aaron Timms Abba Abortion Activists Advertise Afghanistan After Alexander Litvinenko All America's Andy Murray Around Artefact Arwa Mahdawi As boats Asia Pacific Aukus Australia Available Back Backlash Biden Boris Johnson’s Boss Brexit Business California Can’t Canada Canary Cape Verde Cartas Charlie China's Circular’ Climate Complaints Contact Contribute Cookie Cop26 Coronavirus Coup Covid Covid-19 Cricket Culture Dancing Dangerous Daniel Craig Daniel Trilling Dave Goulson David Squires DeChambeau Devastating Digital Droughts Drugs Economic Electric Emmys England Environment EU Europe European Explore Extreme Facebook Fate Filthy Fit Floral Flying Football French From Frustration Fukushima Full Germany Get Gilgamesh Global Going Golden Greenwashing Guardians Haiti Help Hepworth’s Heroin His History Hong Kong How I If In India Insects Instagram It Joe Biden Jones Kabul La Palma’s Labour Last Lauren Lawrence Douglas Leader Lifestyle LinkedIn Listen Live Livelihoods Living Loaded Meeting Melbourne Member Monday’s More Most Mountain New News Newsletters NFL Nigel Slater's Obituaries Ocean OECD On One Opinion Petrol Photo Photography Photojournalist Picture Plan Podcast Polly Toynbee Post Post-Merkel Prime Prince Privacy Privileged Prosecutors Puffed QC R Kelly Revolutionary Right Rory McIlroy Russia Ryder Saman Shad Sarah Dash Science Scream Search SecureDrop Share Shipping Simon Jenkins Skip Spain Sport Spotlight Subscribe Sudan Support Take Tech Tell Ten Tennis Terms Thailand The They Third This Tiger Time Tip To Today Top Topics Trouble Trudeau Twitter UK United Universal US Vaccines Video We What Why Work World Xi’s Yorkshire YouTube Zoe Williams»

If you read this text as a single one, you may get some kind of overview and find funny and capacious conclusions:

Activists Advertise Afghanistan After Alexander Litvinenko

Boris Johnson’s Boss

Brexit Business

China's Circular’ Climate

Devastating Digital Droughts

Explore Extreme Facebook

Coronavirus Coup

New News

Science Scream Search

UK United Universal US

Probably this method does not highlight the essence as much as in the work of Lenka Clayton, but nevertheless, enlarging only the beginning of the heading, for example, we find that there is no love under the letter L.

La Palma’s Labour Last Lauren Lawrence Douglas Leader Lifestyle LinkedIn Listen Live Livelihoods Living Loaded

And for example, Covid, as a distinctive feature of our time, exists in many variations.

Coronavirus Covid Covid-19

As I have already noted, the words are for me always contain heavy connotations. They are most of the time very political. Words carry a lot of implications. They are like figurative art for me - many independent meanings through which it is difficult to get to pure perception.

This method of creating an art object also reflects our reality. Working on a computer, not physically with your hands. Therefore, probably, in my Parallel project, I oppose this. Through a printed sheet of paper, it is not clear how many hours I spent collecting and processing data. Editing. Organization and analysis.

In my opinion, words, texts and, in general, poetry belongs to literature. Yes, I understand that the most interesting happens at the intersection of disciplines, and the development of the theme of words in art brings new findings. But, each type of art has something that distinguishes it is unique qualities. In cinema - it is the reproduction of movement, in photography - it is realism, in music - sounds, in sculpture - it is an object in the space, in literature - it is words, and in painting - it is colour and texture. These qualities can mix in between, for example, music + words = song, photography + words = poster and so on. But, only for me, using words in painting means going to the surface of communication.

It is also important to note the language of communication. I love diversity and unique differences. What a beautiful Chinese language?! Learning it, I realized that people think differently, so to say in volume. The Chinese language looks like pictures. Portuguese is a song, the German language is discipline and order, Russian is a flower field, English is a language for a white paper sheet. And these are only those languages that I learned, and how much more unknown beauty. If we use, so to say, Portuguese and present an exhibition in Germany, in most cases, people will not understand the meaning of the words. Then the question is, why complicate a work of art in advance or limit it to just one language? The language of art should be universal and independent.


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