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Human authenticity

Does the development of artificial intelligence make us doubt the authenticity of human intelligence or it will be always a copy or a fake version of human intelligence? A long time ago on the Earth were different kinds of mankind and evolution brought us here. This process is not stopping as we can’t control it, but we can influence it now. Most likely our kind with our human intelligence is not the last one. It is interesting to follow the process of human development and try to predict our future, but to call this future a fake seems to be inappropriate.

First humans identify about 2.5 million years ago called Australopithecus in East Africa. Out of this genus emerged the Homo genus which encompasses several types including Homo Sapiens. These types were different, even without big anthropological knowledge we can compare by a picture in Google Homo Neanderthal and us. Can you see the difference? Probably in time of Neanderthal his human intelligence was authentic without doubts. But what do you think they would answer if someone questions their originality? What would happen if they would know that one day Homo Sapiens will be as the only original genus but not them?

Wikipedia [Online] Available from: [Accessed 09/04/19]

PROPRIO FOOT Gudmundur Olafsson tests his brain-controlled bionic foot at the Reykjavik headquarters of prosthetics-maker Ossur. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 11/04/19]

Important to identify in our question what exactly we call artificial intelligence and humans? Is it a “creature” which was described in the ‘uncanny valley’ experiment or it will be a Homo, a human but a bit better, faster, smarter, stronger and with longer life period? Professor Masahiro Mori analyzed how humans react to the robot. Its movements and voice were very close to natural ones yet like we hear false notes in music the same way we are very sensitive to see, hear and feel artificiality. As an optical appreciation, we can say “- Oh! It is a copy of a human!” but not more. Robots are always separate from our biological bodies. And now let’s imagine that I was taking the right tablets for decades, I have had operations for changing my organs with highly engineered new ones and in my brain, I have a couple of processors that help me memorize and to go online for additional information. And yes! I can collect information for 2 seconds. Do you think now people will still have an uncanny feeling about me or they would think that I’m a genius and ask the contact details of my doctor? I cannot be a copy within myself - I'm a superhuman.

In an experiment involving the human lookalike robot Repliee Q2 (pictured above), the uncovered robotic structure underneath Repliee, and the actual human who was the model for Repliee, the human lookalike triggered the highest level of mirror neuron activity. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 09/04/19]

There are rising the question about the position of judgment. In other words who can doubt the authenticity of human intelligence? Homo Neanderthal could say that only this genus is original and the Sapiens is a copy or fake. But it was a biological revolution – right?! Can we discredit evolution and say that all this process is a big faking machine? Most likely not, as a connotation of the words ‘Universe Evolution’ and ‘Human Life’ have different expiry date. In terms of Universe Evolution, this process of copy creation proved by time. Therefore, if Sapiens challenges artificial intelligence from the ‘God position’, as they proved to be masters of this World, hereby robots can be called a “fake version” of human intelligence. However, if we create out of biological organs, with mutation, genes modification and additional upgrade of human intelligence a new type of humans it can become a new genus – “Homo Deus”. Here you can go through Harari books and try to think different.

Finally, we might not see all evolutional changes but today we can meet artificial intelligence working for us. The question can be seen from the position of the purpose perspective. Yes, we are building ‘in its model and likeness’ devises with a specific aim - serve the good of mankind. As I mentioned in a previous post - “A copy of the original also can be seen as an original because of the different purpose of creating” (Wittemann, Originality [Online] Available from: It’s mean even if we create robots that look like us we still know their purpose and nobody can say with absolute certainty what Homo Sapiens purpose in this Universe is.

In conclusion, the development of artificial intelligence should not make us doubt the authenticity of human intelligence and we should not call artificial intelligence a copy or a fake version of human intelligence. Evolution can change our bodies, not without our help, to a new kind of human. This genus might be called ‘Homo Deus’ or different, but it will be a historical global change. Evolution does not give meaning to authenticity. Along with the robots, devices created separately to our bodies. They modeled in regards to animals, objects, and humans. It is not a copy of our aimless life but we can once say “This robot has such an amassing copy of human eyes!.” Artificial intelligence is something else than where we are going now.

Bibliography and references

1. Yoval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, 2015, HarperCollins e-books, Scribd [Online]

2. Yoval Noah Harari, Homo Deus, Published by Harvill Secker in 2016, Great Britain

3. Виктор Пелевин, iPhuck 10, Москва, ООО «Издательство Эксмо», 2018

4. Ackbar Abbas, Faking Globalization. The Visual Culture Reader edited by Nicolas Mirzoeff, 3rd edition. 2013 Routledge, Abingdon

5. Wikipedia [Online] Available from: [Accessed 09/04/19]

6. Wikipedia [Online] Available from: [Accessed 11/04/19]

7. Wikipedia [Online] Available from: [Accessed 11/04/19]


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