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Here I want to share some videos. It is an episode with a performance of Mikhail Baryshnikov in movie White Nights 1985. The actor dances to the music of "Capricious Horses" by Vladimir Vysotsky.

[Online] Available from: [Accessed 11/09/18]

Many aspects are very appealing. First of all, it is words of Baryshnikov where he asks the question “do you know what that means - to be really free?” To have freedom in what you do and what in your mind is a big subject for me. On my own example, I learned this idea. I'm talking about not only combining different materials on the canvas but also, to be free in appreciation. For example, I can’t discuss with my father a Rauschenberg’s works as he learned that trees with the field are “good” and there is nothing more in art. The stuffed Angora goat with tire can’t be an art in the understanding of many Russians. But how progress could happen if you would not be more liberal and free in your action and mind. I believe the experiment takes place only in a free environment and builds the next step.

The second point is emotions. No emotions - no reaction, no reaction - no art. How you found your partner? Was it chemistry? Most likely we attracted to things and people because there is “something” what pulls out attention. We react on this “something” and emotionally judge if we like or dislike… In this video, the dance mixes with words and music accelerate tension and explode. So can it be that this “something” is a multi-sensorial experience (mentioned in one of the previous posts)? Multi-sensorial experience is a combination of emotions received from the different sensory feelings. This could be a love if it would be in a relationship. Simple attraction triggered only by one primitive need but love combines multiple aspirations.

Another aspect which makes a big difference is a cultural approach. I’m not sure that Russians, Chinese and English would see this video with the same vision. Unless you understand the words of the song, dance is ruling the performance. But is it enough for full understanding?

Here I want to mention another video with Baryshnikov but 30 years later. It is a Rag & Bone Men's collection Fall/Winter 2015. Baryshnikov together with another dancer Lil Buck, music by Venetian Snares.

“In celebration of the FW15 menswear collection, rag & bone debuts a short film as a study of movement featuring Mikhail Baryshnikov and Lil Buck.”

[Online] Available from: [Accessed 11/09/18]

This advertising can be seen as a reality reflection. Society thinks more about consumption than creation (as it is a cloth ad) but a sheath is sophisticated and intellectual. So still the intellectuals are there for support and probably for a raise the culture of this society.

I think today art doesn't belong to any particular area. Even the life of a person can be an art. Similar to the line on the paper - the line of life can be considered. How do you look, what are you doing, your thoughts and the way you live can be an art piece? What makes the difference between any man and the Artist – is a conscious philosophical comprehension. For some, there is no sense in Scopic regimes but for others, it is the way to see the world. A person deliberately places flowers on the table in search of esthetic feeling around him. But it is not enough to live the life as an enjoyment process because the attraction to the “prettiness” doesn’t lead to the comprehension of the art. Philosophy - intangible research makes you think differently in general and give the opportunity to create in the material world. Is Art a person? Yes, I think it can be as there is no life without a human being. This two video about one person – did he do everything that can be apprehended as an art? Rather not, but if from the beginning till the end you consciously turn philosophy to the physical then probably this is what can be called art.


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