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Making connections

Red composition, 2023, canvas, paint, recycled newspapers, screws, polyurethane foam, button, thread, cardboard, acrylic, fixatives, plaster on wood, 90 x 85 x 17 cm.

The most important thing to me is now this resolution of my internal conflict regarding the acceptance of people supporting the war. From the point of view of practical work, my practice will be supported by the research of conflict and catharsis, through:

In addition, the study of conflict and catharsis will allow me to develop and support my practice. After three years of working with colour fields, I need to move on. In addition, I was interested in finding a connection between my sculptures and paintings.

Besides this, it seems to me that my practice initially includes an element of conflict. Firstly, this is expressed in my attitude to what and how I do. I was in conflict with the traditional values of my culture, and I wanted to do the opposite. Secondly, in the materials of my works, I see a confrontation between fragility and brutal hardness, aesthetics and ugliness, materials for artists and trash, created colour and the natural colour of the object. Synesthetic colour and thoughtful colour. In the method of work, monotony is opposed to action. And also in the principle of work, one can see destruction and reconstruction, war and peace.

It is worth noting that I hope to conduct experiments that will allow me to draw conclusions and statements. For example, one of them is that the very concept of life already includes a conflict - death. These are two contradictions representing the whole - life. Or, art is necessary to keep the soul pure.

  1. internal conflict

  2. conflict of materials

  3. conflict of colours

  4. conflict of methods

  5. conflict of ideas

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