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Updated: Aug 29, 2023

I am returning to this task after the formation of the Making my thinking and references visible for the "Advanced Practice" and the written analysis by the artist Jaimini Patel.

After repeating dozens of times what interests me, one way or another, I return to the same topics - ethics and aesthetics. These topics interested me before the war. But after the global division of people in my country into those who agree with the war and those who deny it, I cannot accept the fact that my parents ended up on the other side and this became perhaps the most severe injury in my entire life.

I don’t know for what purpose I am doing this - either to heal myself, or to help me forgive them, or to understand, maybe it’s me who betrays my homeland ... In any case, such a collision in my brain remains unresolved, the psychologist did not help me, so I have no other choice.

At the same time, it is also not clear where I want to go, what is my final destination? In an ideal world, of course, this is the complete repentance of those who justify the murders of Ukrainians, and the recognition of this mistake, the development of some kind of universal model of behaviour in which it would be impossible to start a war or create concentration camps, or physical violence against a person. But right now, I will judge myself, that as soon as we create a system, exceptions appear, and why did I think at all that I am right and they are wrong? For millions of Russians, I am an enemy, and it can be said that I deny the freedom of opinion of other people, arguing that war can never be justified.

So, thinking about all this, and making the "tenth" Mind Map, I stumbled upon the concept of Axiology.

“axiology, (from Greek axios, “worthy”; logos, “science”), also called THEORY OF VALUE, the philosophical study of goodness, or value, in the widest sense of these terms. Its significance lies (1) in the considerable expansion that it has given to the meaning of the term value and (2) in the unification that it has provided for the study of a variety of questions—economic, moral, aesthetic, and even logical—that had often been considered in relative isolation.
Because “fact” symbolizes objectivity and “value” suggests subjectivity, the relationship of value to fact is of fundamental importance in developing any theory of the objectivity of value and of value judgments.” (Britannica [online] At: (Accessed 29.08.2023)

I've heard about this term before, but only superficially. In the present situation, I see a big connection between what I do as an artist and the theoretical interest that haunts me. My materials - old newspapers, wooden boards, unnecessary building materials for a normal person have no value - they are garbage. For me, they are of some interest, I see aesthetics in them ... and then I process them into art objects that also change their value. It is interesting to understand how and why this is, and is it somehow related to the issue of giving value to simple things or the global value of life?

Also, the meaning of "fact" for understanding the value is of great importance, and this aspect is directly related to the "facts of propaganda" in my country. What is it and how is it?

The second area that I want to highlight is the desire for understanding. The work of Jaimini Patel prompted me to this idea. Because objectively, without reading and not knowing the history, an unprepared viewer will see burnt matches and that’s it.

Jaimini Patel, Measure, matches, carbon paper, tape, table, paper, Berlin, Germany, (2016) Images courtesy of the artist. [online] At: (Accessed 28.08.2023)

Here it is difficult to see the same beauty of the past combustion process as it is seen in the picture, for example, by Vincent van Gogh.

Gauguin´s Chair, Arles, December 1888 Oil on canvas 90.5 x 72.5 cm. [oil painting] Vincent Van Gogh, Vision and Reality Taschen GmbH 2013 Köln

The modern representation of the same thing - fire, requires the meaning of a new language for this reading, but this language is available only to some, and the rest simply deny it. Here the question arises of what generally makes a person develop, accept the new, and incomprehensible, and seek the truth and answers. What makes one go to an incomprehensible exhibition, and for the second viewer, once and for all, kill the love of contemporary art? This question will also help me to answer - why did my parents not even try to listen to me, try to see the situation more broadly, try to look at it from the other side ...


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