From the first part of the exercise, I was thinking about an idea how the light falling across my objects. But which light? Natural or from the lamp? First, I choose for my composition a bookshelf. Because close to it no window so I needed to use an artificial light. Second, one of my last impressions was a way of discovering art – how artists involve spectators in this process. I wanted to combine these two elements and let the viewer a different perspective of the light and shadows.
As it was an experiment I created at first a collage with acrylic, pencils, pastel, mirror and other materials. I broke a symmetric line for implementing more dynamic and poetry. But somehow in the original image were more layers of space – one in front of the shelf, inside, a couple of spans and behind, between the shelf and a wall. One more transparent plastic element came on top of the collage.
The result is three-dimensional experience through two separate sheets which transfers the reality but leave the pleasure of the pure drawing materials. This piece of A4 size is going into my sketchbook.