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Non-arts Organisations to support artists

Here are some organizations that support and fund research by artists in non-arts fields:


1.     Wellcome Trust: The Wellcome Trust is a global charitable foundation that funds research in health and biomedical sciences. They offer various funding opportunities for artists through their Arts Awards program, which supports projects that explore biomedical science and its social and cultural implications.


2.     Furtherfield: Furtherfield is an arts organization based in London that supports the artistic exploration of new technologies. They host exhibitions, workshops, and residencies that encourage artists to critically engage with technology and its impact on society.


3.     MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST): Located at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), CAST fosters interdisciplinary collaborations between artists, scientists, engineers, and scholars. They offer residency programs, research grants, and public programs that support artistic research at the intersection of art, science, and technology.


4.     Eyebeam is an art and technology centre based in New York City that supports artists working with emerging technologies. They offer residency programs, workshops, and exhibitions that provide artists with resources and support to explore new ideas and technologies.


5.     ArtScience Museum, Singapore is dedicated to exploring the intersection of art, science, technology, and culture. They host exhibitions, programs, and workshops that encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.


6.     Ars Electronica Center: Located in Linz, Austria, the Ars Electronica Center is a museum and research institution focused on digital art, media, and technology. They support artists through residency programs, exhibitions, and events that explore the creative potential of new technologies.


7.     The Leonardo/ISAST (International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology) is an organization that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between artists, scientists, and technologists. They publish the journal Leonardo and organize conferences, symposia, and projects that facilitate dialogue and collaboration across disciplines.





Also in Germany, there are several organizations and institutions that support artistic research and interdisciplinary collaborations.


1.     ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe is a leading institution for contemporary art and digital culture located in Karlsruhe, Germany. They support artistic research and experimentation through exhibitions, residencies, workshops, and symposia that explore the intersections of art, technology, and society.


2.     Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin) is one of the largest and most prestigious art academies in Germany. They offer a range of programs and resources for artists interested in interdisciplinary research, including studio spaces, labs, and collaborative projects with other departments and institutions.


3.     Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau (TMA) is an interdisciplinary research institute located in Hellerau, Dresden, dedicated to exploring the convergence of art, science, and technology. They offer residency programs, workshops, and events that facilitate collaboration between artists, scientists, and technologists.


4.     Akademie Schloss Solitude is an international artist residency program located in Stuttgart, Germany. They support interdisciplinary research and experimentation across various artistic disciplines, offering residencies, fellowships, and public programs that foster cross-cultural exchange and collaboration.


5.     Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is known for its interdisciplinary approach to arts education and research. They offer programs and facilities for artists to engage in collaborative projects with researchers, designers, and scholars from diverse disciplines, including architecture, media studies, and cultural studies.

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