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Part Three: Art and Ecology Assignment three. Reflection on Tutor Report 3

“…You are making good progress through the unit and produced a very thorough and engaging range of work, both in terms of your research content and your own creative experiments and outcomes. Your reflection is insightful and constructive, balancing personal and honest observations with references to a wide range of creative practices, showing good visual awareness and understanding of the themes encountered during this part.” (OCA Tutor)

“…I suggest a narrowing down of your contextual parameters to enable more specific research materials to evolve with greater depth and substance. … be mindful of including too many references and ideas that can suggest a lack of discernment in your learning process.” (OCA Tutor)

I always felt like I was very focused on one thing, my culture and this year on what happened. But apparently, I need to go deeper into the details. Indeed, after such a shock, it is difficult to understand and concentrate. However, I understand the challenge and will try to narrow down my interests and research.

“…there is scope to construct a more substantial contextual grounding and reflection on how these developments function. In the future, seek to analyse and reflect on your own work as you do other artists, taking a more objective view as to what your work may be communicating.”(OCA Tutor)

It seems to me that all these remarks are about the same thing - I need to formulate my interest and delve into its details through experiments and research.

“There is scope to further test different display possibilities, reflecting on what works and what doesn’t, perhaps displaying and testing work in more contrasting public spaces and getting audience feedback. Keep this in mind during future parts, refraining from ‘completing’ work to remain open to testing and comparing alternative solutions.” (OCA Tutor)

“Parallel Project… Seek to clarify and narrate your PP in more detail before the next assignment submission to enable more specific feedback and development in time to complete the project.” (OCA Tutor)

“Your photoshop mock-ups are great but also explore more in real-life situations. ” (OCA Tutor)

Regarding the parallel project and methods of showing works, unfortunately, I am a little constrained by the season, it rains every day and the temperature does not rise above +5 degrees, because I am ready and I have a place to realize a large work in the form of a mural.

“Critical Review … There is scope to complement this by incorporating more critical analysis by comparing and contrasting artworks and opinions and activating more references to articles to support your ideas and personal interpretation. I encourage you to create greater synergy between your research activities and your studio work, forming more connections between context and practice within your reflective commentary.” (OCA Tutor)

“…form a first draft as a Google Doc that you can share with me for direct comments. Narrow down your theme, and perhaps focus on a particular artist or movement. …Seek to write about a subject with strong links to your personal interests and in a way that supports your practical work.” (OCA Tutor)

This is a good point. Stronger to combine my practice in the studio and writing reviews. In the end, is this not what I want, to understand what happened to people and how something can be corrected?

“… continue to experiment with materials and processes, seeking to expand your visual language and the possible trajectories you can take, perhaps incorporating more photography, moving image, sound etc. For example, try some of these quick Vimeo exercises to test new ideas - to build your skills in editing, sounds, effects etc, broadening your visual language and creative possibilities.” (OCA Tutor)

“Consider incorporating more commentary on other subjects, such as current affairs, geography, politics, anthropology etc… bringing in ideas from outside art. ” (OCA Tutor)

These comments encourage me to expand my methods of work and include more context. But now I'm confused because, on the contrary, should I focus on something really important to me and delve into this research?


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