Several sketches and samples.
and I could not resist a more emotional experiment.

Somehow looking through the Instagram I came across a Russian artist who also works with fluorescent paint. I will not give his name, because it is irrelevant and his main achievement is the promotion of contemporary art in Russia, and not the creation of artistic works.
But in one of the interviews he shared the technique of his work - the fluorescent glows more when applied directly to the white canvas, and then in contrast you need to apply a dominant dark color (here I guessed myself.).

I created an image of common warm and cold zones of the face and show them in different colours. It is a kind of pattern of the body, which this course pushed me to study ;). Then I projected some images on the board but it was not alive. Next, I painted on the iPad (via AppleTV function) directly on the coloured image. Several “faces” I didn’t like – they were unemotional and crumpled. And last one I saved as a finale one. In parallel it is a dynamic line which makes the process of face drawing available to the viewer.
Later on the video, I show how the image changes with and without UV light. Technically this light makes all colours stronger and I find intriguing that light is coming on the image and from the image (as a reflection of fluorescent colours).
Some more tests… First painted on paper with oil pastel and after on iPad.
