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Post-Conflict Visual Culture


1.    Reimagining Post-Internet Art in the Context of Conflict and Transformation

In my exploration of art after the Internet, I've come to see it as a critical shift beyond the novelty of digital culture. It's not just about ubiquitous authorship or the collapse of physical space. It's about recognizing the digital era's impact on our perception of reality, especially in the context of propaganda and disinformation. This shift demands a deeper engagement with philosophical ideas, perhaps echoing Deleuze's notion of the 'control society' or Derrida's deconstruction of binary oppositions.

·      Introduction to the evolving landscape of art post-Internet, emphasizing the intersection with conflict and transformation.



2.    Navigating Aesthetic Norms and Values in Contemporary Art

While New Media Art and Conceptualism focus on technology or ideas, Post-Internet art occupies a unique space between materiality and presentation. However, in times of conflict, such as the war I experienced, art must transcend mere materiality and concepts. It must engage with deeper themes of belonging, trauma, and social change, echoing Kant's emphasis on the moral and aesthetic dimensions of art.

·      Exploring the role of aesthetics and values in contemporary art, drawing on critical theory and philosophical concepts.


3.    Materiality, Authenticity, and the Relevance of Originality

The fluidity of Post-Internet art objects challenges traditional notions of originality and authenticity. But in times of conflict, such fluidity gives way to a need for clarity and truth. It's not just about the object's multiple instantiations, but about identifying the original and discerning truth from propaganda.

·      Analysing the significance of materiality and authenticity in art, challenging traditional notions of originality in the digital age. Jean Baudrillard "Simulacra and Simulation."


4.    Emotions as a Medium: Redefining Attention and Impact

Post-Internet art engages with the fragmented attention economy, but in times of conflict, emotions become the new currency. The challenge is not just to capture attention, but to evoke empathy and understanding, as advocated by Lacan's emphasis on the role of emotions in shaping subjectivity.

·      Discussing the use of emotions as a medium in art, redefining the concept of attention and its impact on societal norms.


5.    Artistic Engagement and Interactive Narratives

Post-Internet artists act as interpreters and narrators, blurring distinctions between the ordinary and extraordinary. However, in the context of conflict, artists must go beyond interpretation. They must immerse viewers in the art, inviting them to participate and engage emotionally, echoing Deleuze's concept of 'becoming' and challenging the passive role of the observer.

·      Exploring the artist's role as an engager and narrator, focusing on interactive narratives and viewer participation.


6.    Transmission, Reception, and the Language of Art

Post-Internet art relies on visual representations, moving away from language and semiotics. Yet, in the context of conflict, language and semiotics remain crucial. Art becomes a language itself, a means of communication that transcends words, but also incorporates them to convey complex messages and challenge dominant narratives.

·      Investigating the transmission and reception of art, emphasizing the language of art as a powerful tool in communication and understanding.


7.    Digital Integration and the Future of Art

Post-Internet projects seamlessly transition between physical and online representation, emphasizing aesthetics and universality. However, in the post-conflict era, art must go beyond representation. It should integrate digital technologies not only as a medium, but also as an integral part of the art process, to go beyond this. We do not need to integrate digital into physical, but we must mean that it is already integrated by the nature of the modern world of communications.

·      Envisioning a future where art integrates digital technologies, reshaping the artistic process and experience.

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