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Project 3 Abstract form

Updated: May 28, 2020

Gems, 2020, plastic, threads, 10 x 9 x 16 cm.

It was a pure test. Sometimes I use UV light (black lamp) in drawing to stimulate emotions.

a rainy day


in order to create additional space on the flat surface

or questioning the fact of what we see exactly?

or for WOW! effect – when I change the light source, viewer (especially in China) loudly deliver WOW! It so simple and flat for me that I started to see this excitement as a kind of “consumer sickness”. In other words, people search for something which can give them WOW! effect. Simple, easy, direct emotions of the difference between what people see directly and afterwards. And these emotions are not the same as emotions viewer get from works of David Smith's or Joan Mitchell. I see here the parallel with seductive photos on Instagram. So to say, simple and primitive WOW! effect from a half-naked body. Which is not good and not bad but flooding your brain with such spam does not stimulate development and independent thinking process.

For me, for example, WOW effect can come from works of Richard Wentworth. Because, at first, you see subject matter and afterwards you enjoy the content. But my concern about consumer WOW effect is that people stop on the level of the subject matter. They can’t think further for what are these naked women in social media? For sales, for political reasons…

As a test, first, I wanted to change the quality of the material. I used varnish to test what will happen. The result – not a clean plastic dag ;(.

But it dramatically changes with UV light. Its starts shine and change colour. I needed to add an additional element to this structure to balance it. It is too abstract and uneven. I decided for UV threads. As it was just a test I made stitches for creating a static balance and shape.

Combination of these two colours and dark atmosphere is like to walk through a cheap sale street at night in Shanghai or any other street market for tourists.

fashionmannuscript, Nanjing Road, Shanghai At: (Accessed 25.05.2020)

Plastic bring all quality of this atmosphere… cheep, mass use, transparent – contains nothing in itself. But crowd delight to be there, it is attracted to it. The shape of this crumpled plastic makes a reference to this culture or it is only my point of view.

Now the question is does my art state anything?

Let’s imagine that this piece is in the Art Gallery.

Looks good and probably even it will make think someone about the point of why plastic is on the pedestal.

But so many objects artists create – and in what sake?

For the sake of what I will create something new if it will not be for people?For their thoughts, pleasure, enjoyment, decoration, investment…

In this case, plastic and UV light will not fit the cosy atmosphere of someone’s home. But as a show, I can well imagine.

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