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Project 3 Online prayer

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

These two months of quarantine time. You can go out only for good reasons. All external communication takes place online. Skype meetings, Zoom concerts, Google tutorials. This is how we perceive the new world.

Near my house is a church. Throughout this time, it remained closed. Services for believers were conducted online. Now, when we are sitting at home, everything happens online and it seems to me that it would be interesting to conduct an online prayer service. Or it will be more correct to say, probably not all processes can and should be transferred to online conferences.

As part of the work on the project of creating 3D structures, I wanted to try various media. And this work was the first - as a reaction to what is happening around me. The iPad as a part of this composition was taken for granted - it is a tool for video communication. The idea with an easel and the background with a church and the sound of bells came from my previous work.

Amid the silence of prayer, the ringing of the bell fits well. The structure of the easel complements the face of the person on the iPad, and the whole shape looks like a person or here also may come an association with the crucifix.

Exposition: During three minutes of the bell sound, the broadcast starts on all iPads with volunteers who will pray during this time from their apartment. The number of screens depends on how many people are participating in.

Reflections on work

And I thought about an interesting fact - before, with all the misfortunes, people sought refuge in a prayer house, but not this time. I saw the broadcast of church service on TV. There was a feeling of pumping me with unneeded information, offering something, advertising a product, keeping me in front of the TV.

We were delivered to the church. This is like - “You are delivered to the advertiser who is the customer”. Richard Serra, Television Delivers People, 1973.

Since people are limited, locked in their apartments for them there is an only window to the world - a TV, computer, tablet and phone. Online broadcasting of church services on TV has become something similar to all other programs, advertisements, news, films. Is it the right progress for the church? A person does not go to church, but the church comes to him on all possible screens. I wanted to turn the process of church service, it’s not the head of the church who acts as the star of the television screen, but it is me, and I am surrounded by like-minded people, unity and peace in the church interior or in the gallery interior where this process can take place or at home.

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