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Project 3 Tree

Continuing the idea of ​​plastic, I tried to combine unnatural things. The problem of environmental pollution. As a result, yes the work looks interesting - instead of a leaf crown a plastic bag which imitates it. This could have happened by accident - the wind carried the packet and caught on the branches. But since this is an organized process, it raises questions.

On the one hand, this tree is aesthetically beautiful, but on the other, it is plastic, it is not natural, the branches under the package are dry and lifeless.

After several days of living with this tree, I began to feel discomfort. Seeing plastic every day was unnatural. This made me think that this work is probably suitable for a gallery or for a public space where people do not stay for long, but not for home.

Very elegant shadow

And the decision itself, it seems to be quite simple. Once I saw a description of the conditions for selecting winners in one of the art competitions. Unfortunately, I don’t remember where I saw it, but I noted down these points:

· Is the theme clear and easily understood?

· Does the art explore the theme in an unusual or previously unexplored manner?

· Will the art and its message prompt discussion?

· Does the artwork combine a deep understanding of both medium and message?

If I answer these questions, the following will turn out: the topic is quite simple to understand - the impact of plastic on the environment, as far as the approach is new, I'm not sure how many artists previously used such a concept?

Nils Volker, Khalil Chishtee, Angela de la Cruz and many others. In general, it is difficult to imagine that before me no one has developed this topic in this way. But this is not a reason to terminate my concept. Alex Frost, for example, goes further and “freeze” pizza and Sandwiches in a resin.

Alex Frost, Sandwiches and Pizzas in resin 2017/8. At: (Accessed 24.05.2020)

How many questions will raise this work of art? Here, it seems to me, the message not strong enough, because of the size and significance of this subject. The problem is much larger and more complex than it is presented in my art object.

If to increase such a tree to the scale of a real tree (10-20 meters) then the problem becomes very obvious.

Or if to make a whole forest of such trees.

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