I did not plan the final work. I just started building the canvas. I wanted size and a round shape. The result is a movie.
This film began as a presentation of the process of working on a physical painting. For about three weeks, I built the base, painted, applied sheet by sheet, and made up the final colour.
But in the process, I felt that I needed to add myself as the main character, a person. Present my intentions. Then, I decided to describe things that inspired me, and this is how the story turned out.
An example for me was a film by Lars Von Trier, Melancholy.
But of course, I look at the visual art giant and try to compare myself to him ... funny.
The technical part, the very thing that annoyed me was that I used the phone's camera in different planes.
But since the painting was finished, I could no longer reshoot the video just with a different camera rotation. Mistake. Next time I will consider it in advance.
But on the other hand, this aspect can be viewed as two different shooting modes. One is poetic, and the other is documentary.