This is how I see the whole project implementation process. First of all, the creation of this sculpture involves the students of this school. I believe that the idea comes to the brain only when you start doing something with your hands. Therefore, the collection of used materials is one of the most important processes. I will travel with a student to local sawmills, wood processing workshops, metal production sites and scrap yards. The purpose of involving young people is to demonstrate the results of production and use. Stimulate the thought process about what a person really needs and by what means we achieve this.
Of course, taking into account security measures, we will select materials for production together. The costs at this stage are the rental of a truck (one day about 100 Euros, about 5 days is needed) and a minivan for a student (about 50 Euros a day). After that, we need a warehouse for drying and processing the collected materials - rent per month - 500 Euros (two months). After we can understand the quality and quantity of the collected materials, I need to consult the specialist to agree on the technical aspects of the construction (consultation of the specialist - one hour 50 euro).
After agreeing on the official plan, I think it will be necessary to obtain permission to install a sculpture or some other documents - all this may require additional financial costs unless, of course, this is commissioned by the city. Let's assume that everything went well…
Image used from Wack + Marx [online] At: (Accessed 01.02.2022)
The process of creating this work also remains an essential part of the final result. In other words, I assume that this work should be created locally. Stage by stage, we will build this work with assistants (one hour of a construction worker costs 55 Euros).
This will be a free flow of the creative process, which may differ slightly from the proposed sketches, but the meaning, the essence of use and the colour scheme will be similar to the maquette (scale is 1:10). On-site production will allow the material to live in the space of this place. Adapt structures to weather conditions and student behaviour.
The subsequent painting should take place in stages since after the paint dries, the colour will change. The cost of materials will be calculated based on the results of the finished structure - one can of 2.5 litres of exterior paint for wood costs about 25 Euros. I assume that in general, we will need about 20 litres of colour and protective paint for wood and metal. Somewhere near the end of the assembly process, before painting, an electrician must work to install wires for telephone chargers and lighting. (one hour of an electrician costs 55 Euros + lamps and wires about 700 Euros).
I also need to consider the cost of nails, screws, cement and other necessary building materials and building devices. For the final calculation of the cost of construction, consultation with a building company will be needed.
A preliminary calculation of the cost of implementing such a project is about 20,000 Euros.