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Reflection on my progress

As usual, this part ended unexpectedly. Finally, I managed to figure out and understand what is important for me in art. Or at least for today, it is important to me. I would never have thought that I would force myself to dance. =))) But this experience explained to me the meaning of dance, movement, music and the complex connection with the visual reflection of it.

I hope I will be able to dwell on some areas deeper in the future. Because until now I just experienced without stopping. But I feel now is the right time to develop further the practices of working with metal, wood, assemblage, sewing and working with papier-mâché.

It was essential for me to think again about what art and painting are. Over the past two years, my understanding of this issue has not changed much, but I somehow figured out the specifics.

It takes a lot of time for reading and contextual research, so in working on my own pieces for the Assignment, I lack the desire and strength to describe my research. But if it is needed, I can adapt.

I rather prefer to work with my hands… =)))

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