Next areas for further development:
- Usage of the quotes is dangerously high so I need to think how to reduce it. I tend to build the structure of my research with “stringing a series of quotations” which is not a good idea)
- In research there are always a variety of paths to turn the idea – I need to be open to all of them.
- My Blog was criticised as it didn’t have a separation in between two courses I’m doing in OCA.
- My tutor likes how the unit was affecting my practical work, so I need to do more of this.
- There are some suggested readings – Barthes R. 1977, Chandler D. And which made me totally excited – Haruki Murakami. His books I was reading during my school time but I never was thinking to combine it with the visual culture practice;)
Some conclusions on Part 2 are
- The Modernism refers to a half of the 20th century
- A new time is bringing new ideology in art or art can be as a reflection of the time
- During different periods of time, we appreciate and see things differently