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Reflection on Tutor Report (Assignment 3 )

Updated: Sep 26, 2019

“You have presented an excellent range of creative and inventive outcomes… it is commendable you have approached this part with confidence and ambition.” (OCA Tutor)

In addition, the following stages of development were highlighted as follows:

“Your final assignment piece is inventive and ambitious, pushing the boundaries of drawing into sculptural and installation practice. … Overall the work may benefit from a greater sense of scale,” (OCA Tutor)

I fully agree with my tutor, in terms of work, but a purely practical component does not allow me to increase the size. It was difficult for me even to accommodate such dimensions in the atelier. I see the potential and realize the possibilities of increasing the size.

“… be aware of the seductive qualities of this technology, Sometime less is more.” (OCA Tutor)

In the next part, I will try to analyze the change in the subject matter depending on the method of depiction and technology.

Working with opposites is of particular interest to me and my tutor. I will focus on the comparison of these motifs - light and darkness, volume and flatness, abstraction and figurativeness, analogue and digital.

“…start to collate, with discernment, a variety of work to put forward.” (OCA Tutor)

I will highlight and continue to develop ideas and methods of work on the image that interest me.


In my research, I was a bit superficial and will continue this approach, because not all artists want to study thoroughly. But I agree with the tutor that a deeper analysis is possible where there is great interest for me and the potential for further development. Some detailed analysis and my ideas about this already in my blog.

In my reflection, I’ll try to be more critical and academic.

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