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Research point – Foreshortening

Jenny Saville, Propped (1992) [Oil painting] At: (Accessed on 23.05.19)

Duarte Vitoria Photo 7 [Painting] At: (Accessed on 23.05.19)

Perspective helps to enhance the perception of one or another aspect. For example, in the photo of Rodchenko, the boy turned out to be extremely well-fed, which contradicted the standards of the Komsomol. But, at the same time, this interpretation of the norms allowed us to look a little differently and see the problem or something new.

Alexander Rodchenko, Shukhov Tower (1926) [Photography] At: (Accessed on 24.05.19)

«Толчешься у предмета, здания или человека и думаешь, а как его снять: так, так или так?… Все старо… Так нас приучили, воспитывая тысячелетия на разных картинах, видеть все по правилам бабушкиной композиции. А нужно революционизировать людей, видеть со всех точек и при всяком освещении.»

“You are walking around an object, a building or a person, and you think, and how to photo it: this way or the other? And you need to revolutionize people, to see from all points and with all possible light source. "

Alexander Rodchenko. Fire escape. From the series “House on Butcher”. (1925) [Photography] At: (Accessed on 24.05.19)

Ahmad Morshedloo, Untitled (2008) [Acrylic and pen on board] 90 x 120 cm, At: (Accessed on 23.05.19)


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