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Research point – Human figure drawing

The family scene of the royal couple: Akhenaton kisses daughter Makataton, Mertaton's daughter is sitting on Nefertiti's lap, Anhesenamon on his shoulder playing with mother's earrings. New Museum, Berlin [Online] Available from:,_Nefertiri_and_three_daughers_beneath_the_Aten_-_Neues_Museum_-_Berlin_-_Germany_2017_(cropped).jpg [Accessed 23/04/19]

There is no doubt that man is the measure of everything and the creator. We cognize what surrounds us, copy and create new objects, but this new one is in one way or another always connected with our consciousness. Perhaps we are trying to understand the essence of being and the essence of our consciousness. Over the ages, man creates the ideals of beauty, behaviour, sets trends and builds standards. Our body and mind is the crown of nature, which we are trying to exalt, improve, or destroy. We are unique in nature - there will be no second one. If there are external similarities, then character or habits, thoughts and historical period will make it impossible to create a second such person. Therefore, the image of a person by a person is, perhaps, the only thing that can be unique and unique.

Hands at the Cuevas de las Manos upon Río Pinturas, near the town of Perito Moreno in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 23/04/19]

Artists throughout the time were inspired by a human figure or emotion. Starting from the drawings in the caves, people sought to repeat or create the image of a person. In each of the cultures, this process was special. For example, in Russia, portraits in the usual sense were widely distributed only starting from the 17th century. Prior to this, art bounded by religion sought to portray only the “image” of a person, his higher and spiritual aspects. Therefore, as a rule, these were either saints or, later, sponsors, noble persons.

Svyatoslav Yaroslavich with his family ("Izbornik Svyatoslav", 1073) [Online] Available from: [Accessed 23/04/19]

1460-70 boyar Antipas Kuzmin with family the icon "Praying Novgorod" [Online] Available from: [Accessed 23/04/19]

Since the process of recreating a figure of a person or a portrait always involves the work of another person, we are accustomed to perceiving such work as an interpretation of the essence of the model. We can unwittingly associate ourselves with the person in the picture, read emotions, build judgments about his story. The essence of the image can change, as well as the standards of this image, but as long as a person (not artificial intelligence) creates something similar to a human figure, it will be an interpretation of human being as such.

Epochs and styles will change, means of expression will also change, but a person will depict himself while he has consciousness and maybe one day we will realize the essence of our being.


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