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Some thoughts about two last drawings

Some aspects of the drawing were not successful, for instance, the solution for the first composition with fruits. I mean the result is with a good idea and with interesting technical realisation, but my inner voice telling me that something is missing... In composition with vases – they were moving all the time and it was complicated to get them together (adjustment to the size of the sheet was a bit intricate).

At the same time some aspects as pattern and sweeps I believe, were done well. In the fruit drawing, I was not as controlled as with vases, though idea I liked better, so pattern and lines were more alive and free.

As these tasks were with a sense of depth creation on the second drawing with vases (especially middle white one) gives a sense of first, second and third rows of objects. The feeling of depth helped to reach the perspective (the closer the bigger; or line perspective), shadows, contrast (the closer an object to us the more clear it is), colour (warmer colours are usually closer to the viewer, the farther the colder). But! Exactly during this task, I was rereading C. Greenberg and my thoughts were contradicting my actions. I strongly believe that creating depth is to move against the nature of drawing. All surfaces are flat and we are trying to “imitate” reality for the sake of what? To be more skilled... is there no different way to do so?

Be restricted to do something - or blocks your development or generates opposite (revolution). While restricted with a line I developed the idea further – line can’t be only done by ink pen right? It can be done by all possible materials. A limitation with tone was not strict as I used colour. From one side, to work with a colour you need to think about clearness of it, the complexity of the whole drawing, on the other, you can just copy reality with colours which you see. But working methods with using the only line and using colour here were different. Different materials require different attitude. One time you start with a single line and develop it, other time you start from the colour stain.


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