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Study of several trees

Updated: Oct 10, 2018

For this exercise, I spend more than two hours working outside. To practice trees painting from my own experience was the most interesting in Sao Paulo as their shape was just awesome! In Shanghai, trees are still quite different from Europe as it is a humid subtropical climate. While working I was focused on the contrasting tonal areas, selectivity and tried to unify broad part of the scenery.

First drawing I started with a simple wood area on a bright light with deep shadows. As a result, it would be better to use a bit darker range of colours on the big trees. But my attention was already busy with a game between dark branches and a bright background.

A distinction of the trees I could reach with a line, shape and tonality. One drawing I accomplished with the focus on a negative space. This allowed me to think about arrangement and rhythm.

A long time ago painting of Gustav Klimt “The Park” changed my view on the composition. I never tried to copy it but now I wanted to apply it as a solution with foliage is superb. I didn’t want to paint simple lines but I needed structure. I worked with an oil pastel, so, somehow (I don’t know why?:)) I scattered earth on the wooden drawing-supporter and applied pastel. I quite like the result and solution but next time I will add more details and separate the shadow on the grass from the leaves.

Gustav Klimt The Park (1910) or earlier, Oil on canvas, 110.4 x 110.4 cm, MoMA [Online] Available from: [Accessed 10/10/18]


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