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Townscape drawings (House)

This exercise was about one particular building. Why did I choose this building for my analysis? Because it is our new home and on the 4th day of our move happened this:

At this time, I usually have to walk with my dog, so if I went, I would die. Such accidents don’t happen often especially with 38 tonnes crane on the straight and calm street. 3 people heavily injured, no deaths.

After the first drafts (10x10 cm) for form study and tonal understanding, I tried to reflect on a structure. Because the only difference before and after the accident for the building is the structure. House changed its appearance – no feeling, no regrets…

This house from the end of the XIX century in Bad Soden. For more than 100 years it saw Felix Mendelssohn, Lev Tolstoy, Friedensreich Hundertwasser and many more royals and peasants walking alongside this central street.

Difference between me and this building is mortality. In other words, of course, the House also can be demolished but for a person, it is much easier to lose live – appearance in this world. We cannot always survive every “structural change” with our body as a building cannot.

How to represent this? This structural change and emotional value for people who by a miracle survived this accident? “Normal” way of drawing and painting doesn’t bring across the sense of it.

The organised world was destructed and in 1 minute it changed to something else.

Days and time soften all the pain and fear. People like ants work over the problem and bring it back to reality. Our constructed reality…

Sun and blue sky bring the hope of the bright future. But memory…

As a final piece for this subject, I came back to “the reality”. Originally there is nothing… only space and time, or only mud and fields, or jungles and rivers, or only darkness and stars… So we decided to call “it” a drawing and arrange lines and colour in a way that we can recognize the object on the flat surface, emotion. The same with the cities, houses… we arranged volumes on a flat surface (earth) for our constructed reality.

Technically I came back to “expressive way” of representation - mass, chaos…

Embroidered lines – is a structure and organization.

Digital line – time and space.


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