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Work 3 Implicit form 2

Implicit form 2, 2020, metal mesh, metal support, cement, ultraviolet strands, blacklight lamp, H55 x W23 x L33 cm.

Continuing the idea found in the previous part of the course, I experimented with the support for the form.

This work is about an implicit movement which is hidden in each form but it is not obvious. And the most interesting moment is that this hidden form can completely change depending on the movement of this object. For example, if I will take a flat object and try to connect with additional lines endings of this form these lines will be also flat. But when we change the shape of this object then can be created new forms with the same logic of connecting two ends.

Here I sew, connect, bring together two parts of the same. You can interpret this as a process of correction, repair.

Here I have a simple association with a person. We have invisible connections with objects and people. They connect, but this connection is not visible until a certain point. Until the moment of action. As soon as we make contact, so to speak, we change the shape, as in the example above, these lines begin to work, to glow. They can be felt and described.

I feel that in this work, the idea and the implementation were a good match. A metal mesh or like in this work a plastic mesh, conveys the structure and clarity, while this structure "continues" in lines, then circles and smooth lines appear. It is like the otherness of the same. And here again, the association with a man. It is our nature both a structure and softness, only something is always hidden.

In general, the work turns out to be complex in structure, since it is not easy to see the inner connections from the first glance. This will make the viewer peer and analyze. Colours of this work are also in the dialogue. Gold is old and noble colour mixed with neon. This combination is creating an impression of an old value with a modern even a bit future-looking art. This effect brings the black lamp. Because with daylight this sculpture would perceive as usual sculpture but with a black lamp when the atmosphere around is dark the mystery is coming out. Neon is out of our daily life routine, it is "for something big".

I think about the further development of this concept with the search for better solutions for support.

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