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Work 4. Heute

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Heute, 2021, steel, spray colours, engraving, 157 (78.5 x 78.5)W x (82.5 x 82.5)H x 0.3 cm.

Das Gestern ist vorüber. Das Morgen ist dir ungewiss. Das Heute das nütze.

(Yesterday is over. Tomorrow is uncertain for you. Today is useful.)

Heute (‘Today’ in German)

Since I had no more canvases and available wood, I found sheets of steel. And here again, the associative array appeared - words, Germany, Rudolf Stingel, and I found myself scratching the metal. I wanted to repeat the same lines as Joan Mitchell's or as in calligraphy, where you can write a book about only one line. Dynamic, bold, screamy. Here I did not use a brush, but the gesture and presence were again the most important for me.

Moreover, I saw myself in the golden reflection and realized that this is 'now'! Therefore, I placed the inscription on one panel, which my husband carries around with him – «Das Gestern ist vorüber. Das Morgen ist dir ungewiss.» and on the other – «Das Heute das nütze.» (German. Yesterday is over. Tomorrow is uncertain for you. Today is useful.) Accordingly, I see myself in the reflection now (Heute).

After the work was ready, for me, it became the embodiment of how I perceive German culture. People are hard as metal and with pure, vivid and very natural intentions, which I represented brutally and poetically in writing.

Working process


Rudolf Stingel, Untitled (5-7m) [Art work] At: (Accessed 19.02.2021)

Rudolf Stingel. Untitled, 2012, electroformed copper, plated nickel & gold, stainless steel frame [Art work] At: (Accessed 19.02.2021)



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