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XENOS Akram Khan November, 2018 Shanghai

“In Greek mythology, the Titan Prometheus stole fire and gave it to mankind, enabling human progress and civilisation. For this the gods punished him. He was shackled to a rock where, every day, an eagle tore out his liver, which then grew back overnight. Around this grim allegory Akram Khan has fashioned a profoundly moving new work, Xenos. A solo performance of an hour’s duration, danced by Khan himself, the work reflects on the suffering of soldiers in the first world war, and particularly on the experience of the Indian colonial troops, many unrecognised and unnamed, who answered the empire’s call.” (The Guardian, online)

Inspirational performance of British Bangladeshi origin dancer Akram Khan opened for me a new perspective of the contemporary dance. Rhythms of Indian Kathak intertwined with modern gestures and performing style. Interpretation of the historical events which is personal for Khan becomes a powerful, emotional partly abstract expression. Here is enough space for "afterwards thinking" for the viewer and for the dancer, performer, actor, philosopher and musician point of view. Xenos is a Greek word for “stranger” or “foreigner”. This main idea opens in a solo dancing part. Power of the human soul, the stamina of the body and beauty of the mind are what I saw in this performance. Personally, I again become more aware of the combination of music, dance, theatre, philosophy and visual arts in one work. Truly universally interesting and strong work can only happen when the artist mixes history, with his personality and art.

Xenos Akram Khan Company. Performance. Shanghai International Dance Centre Theatre 11.11.2018.

Bibliography and references

1. Xenos Akram Khan Company [Online] Available from: [Accessed 02/01/19]

2. The Guardian Akram Khan: Xenos review – a work of defining greatness by Luke Jennings [Accessed 02/01/19]


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